Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 95

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 95

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 95

An Exposition and Answer by Rostamdari, Addressing Jami’s Criticism of a Number of Verses from Nizami’s Khamsa in Accordance with Manuscripts of Ganjineh Raz

Parisa Pourashkiba , Ahmad Tahan (Author in Charge), Seyed Mehdi Khairandish


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ganjineh Raz is a book written by Owais ibn Ghiyath al-Din Rostamdari, the oldest manuscript of which was recorded by an inscriber halfway through the eleventh century A.H. This manuscript was probably contemporaneous with the author, who is not found in any bibliographical biographies (Tazkires). In this book, Rostamdari presents an exposition of sixteen scattered verses by Nizami which are taken from Makhzan-ol-Asrâr, Khosrow o Shirin, Haft Peykar and Sharafnameh. These verses of Khamsa are claimed by a follower of Jami to have been deemed meaningless by this poet. Rostamdari continues to present another exposition of seventy nine other verses of Khamsa which he believes to be of more complexity than these sixteen verses, and since Rostamdari is of Shiite faith, he brings the book to an end, out of blessedness and sacredness, by presenting yet another exposition of three odes by Nasir Khusraw, which include praise and glorification upon the great Imams and personages of Shiite faith.

METHODOLOGY: This research was done in a descriptive-analytical way. Authors have carried out using the library and documentary tools. They have been carried out using the library research method, rely on three manuscripts of this book. in addition to recording the differences between the manuscripts and published versions and embark on a comparison of Rostamdari’s exposition of these sixteen verses with those of others.

FINDINGS: Rostamdari’s explanations about verses 5, 6, 13 14 are illustrative and explain meanings clearly. In other verses, although his effort is appreciable, but he failed to understand the poet’s intention. Other editors have sometimes succeeded in description of meanings and sometimes they failed.

CONCLUSION: Rostamdari’s success in disambiguation of the verses is only relative and the explanations provided by contemporaries are sometimes unhelpful. the expositions have in some instances led to resolution and disambiguation and in some other instances the ambiguity remains unsolved.

Ganjineh Raz , manuscript , Owais ibn Ghiyath al-Din Rostamdari , exposition , Jami , Nizami

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